Helifix BowTie and BowTie HD
The Helifix BowTie is used only for end joist applications. It utilises the 8mm Helibar material in varying lengths and is able to connect either directly into the end grain of timber, or by installing at an angle to either side of the joist to create a cross pinning effect, see plan view below.
The Helifix BowTie HD is used to assist the lateral restraint of masonry walls by connecting, or reconnecting floor joists, ceiling joists and/or roof members back to masonry walls.It utilises a 12mm heavily profiled stainless steel rod with a self-drilling tip and is able to connect into several timber members through the side grain of the timbers. The Helifix BowTie HD can also be tested for pullout resistance.
When the Helifix BowTie installation is complete, floorboards are refixed securely. This is to ensure that the diaphragm action of the floor is fully utilised.
With either of the applications of the Helifix BowTie and BowTie HD, the conventional use of strapping, bolting or pattress plates is no longer necessary.
Protectahome carefully match repair strategies to the substrate to ensure maximum performance, flexibility and durability. The Helifix Helibeam Masonry Repair and Reinforcement System can be installed in a wide variety of construction types including Brick, Block, Stone and Concrete.
Protectahome are Helifix approved installers and we are able to offer a comprehensive repair or reinforcement package to our customers.
Please see our Case Studies for more detail on the Helifix Structural Repair System in application or if you would like a quote for the installation of Helifix BowTies please Contact Us on 0800 055 6966 for more information.